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Honoring and appreciating all the amazing mothers around the world during this season of renewal, sunshine, and blooming flowers. We are grateful for their unwavering love and dedication in raising great young individuals who contribute to making our world a better place.  

May we share a few fun facts about this absolutely a-may-zing month?   Maybe you will be interested.  It's a time of renewal and growth, named after the Greek goddess of growth, Maia. The delicate lily of the valley is the official birthday flower of May, symbolizing sweetness, motherhood, and humility. And did you know that in over 100 countries, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second weekend of May? Plus, here's a fun fact: no American president has ever passed away in May, making it an excellent month for U.S. presidents!

While many people identify Cinco de Mayo with margaritas, the annual celebration has its roots in Mexico's victory over France in the Second Franco-mexican War in 1862.  During Cinco de Mayo, Americans spend more than $600 million annually on beer.  More than the Super Bowl or Saint Patrick's Day.    The earliest known use of the word may is in the Old English period (pre 1150).  

The upcoming full moon in May is known as the Flower Moon, symbolizing the arrival of spring and new beginnings. On May 23, 2024, the sky will be illuminated by this beautiful lunar event. If you're looking for a thought-provoking film to watch, we highly recommend 'Killers of the Flower Moon', directed by Martin Scorsese. The movie sheds light on the Osage Native Americans who were exiled to a seemingly worthless patch of Oklahoma until they discovered oil, leading to a reign of terror and murders in the 1920s. The title of the film is a reference to the blooming of flowers in May, which coincides with the start of the terror.

Fun facts about the month of April

The month of April can be seen as a time of transition and new beginnings, which many themes and reflections for different individuals and cultures

- The birthstone for April is a diamond.

- The birth flower for April is the sweet pea.

- The United States Postal Service was founded on April 3, 1789.

- The Eiffel Tower in Paris was completed on April 15, 1889.

- George Washingto, inaugurated as the 1st President of the United States in  Apri, 1789.

- The first McDonalds restauurant opened in Des Plaines, in April , 1955.

- The first modern day credit card was introduced on April 6, 1959.

- The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in Seattle on April 

It is a time of transitions - of shaking off our winter coats and emerging like butterflies from a chrysalis. 

boys with number 8.jpg

The Little Prince
by, Antoine de Saint-Exipery

It's madness to hate all roses, 

because you get scratched with one thorn.

To give up your dreams, because one didn't come true

To lose faith in prayers because one was not answered

To condemn all your friends, because someone betrayed you,

Not to believe in love, 

because one was unfaithful or didn't have your back

Throwing away all your chances to be happy because you didn't succeed on the first attempt.

There will always be another opportunity, another friend, another love, a new strength.  

For every end, there is always a new beginning.......

And now here is my secret,

a very simple secret;

It is only with the heart, that one can see rightly;

what is essential is invisible to the eye. 

The Power of a Smile

A few more fun facts...

7 Powerful Lessons from 'Good-bye, Things.' The New Japanese Minimalism" by Fumio Sasaki

1.  Happiness Comes From Within, Not Possessions.  True happiness comes from cultivating meaningful relationships, pursuing passions, and living in alignment with your values.

2.  Decluttering is a Liberating Experience.  Letting go of excess belongings can be a deeply liberating experience. It can free up your physical space, mental energy and emotional baggage.  This allows you to focus on what truly matters.

3. Quality Over Quantity.  Invest in fewer, well-made items that you truly cherish and use regularly, rather than accumulating cheap, disposable stuff.

4. Be Grateful for What You Have. Focus on what you have rather than what you want.

This cultivates a sense of gratitude and contentment leading to a fulfilled life.

5.  Curate Your Space to reflect Your Values. Surround yourself with objects that bring you joy, utility or beauty fostering a sense of peace and well-being.

6. Less is More.  With fewer possessions, you have more time, energy and freedom to pursue your passions and experience life to the fullest.  

7. Minimalism is a journey, not a destination.  Letting go of things is challenging.  By embracing minimalism, one can create a life that is more intentional, creative and fulfilling.  It is a process, free from the burdens of material possessions. 

Calendar Pages

"Don't count the days, make the days count." Muhammed Ali

White Structure

Chango's Fire
a novel by Ernesto Quinonez

In NYC's Spanish Harlem, Julio and Maritza are each searching for a path that will give their lives meaning, even if it's shadowed by controversy.  Julio is an arsonist for hire, pocketing thousands of dollars from investors eager to capitalize on more expensive real estate.  "Quinonez offers a bolder, more realistic look at the search for self and fulfillment in our constantly changing society."  USA Today, 2004.   Get your copy by clicking below.   This site is affiliated with Amazon, commission earned. 

Welcome to this online hub for uplifting, inspiring and informative content for the global community.

At, we understand that life is full of love and laughter along with delays and disappointments. Patience is the key to triumph as we navigate, on this life journey. Every month should be mental health awareness month as we learn more about ourselves and others.. We are all in this together, like the sun and the moon.  As SGI President Ikeda stated so eloquently, "We have different roles.  There are times when the burning intensity and power of the sun are called for, and times when the soothing luminescence and serene wisdom of the moon is what's needed. 

Life itself is the greatest joy.  Power, fame, wealth and learning are all powerless in the face of death, (Sasaki).   Cheers to living your best life.  

One love, Ivonne

Preocupate por t, los otros no se fijan tanto en ti.  Vive tu vida por que es unica, y el tiempo pasa rápido. A grádece todo hoy, porque los buenos y malos momentos pasan.  Estas en casa!  Llegaste!  Tanto tiempo te llevo para llegar a tu casa.  Tu fe y escencia de abundancia te trajo aquí.  La vida es única, no desperdicies todo lo que te encanta y las bendiciones que te hacen única.  Cuando ya no puedas hacer para ti, tienes que saber que hiciste todo posible para que el mundo sea mejor.  Tienes un regalo de sentir cosas que a veces tienes miedo decir.  Jamas tengas miedo porque tienes protección desde los cielos.  Solo, escucha y aprenderás.  Nunca tengas miedo!  El futuro es tuyo.  Vive tu vida.  La vida es un carnaval.  

"A wise man  does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."

Epictetus, Greek stoic philosopher

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Blue Skies and Yellow Fields

Big Brothers Big Sisters is one of the oldest and largest youth mentoring organizations in the United States.  Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors children, ages 5 through young adulthood in communities across the country.  The ages of children and youth served varies among affiliates. As the actor Danny Thomas once said "Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself.  It's what you do for others."

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