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How Sharp Are You?

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

There are four things you need to know before you go out into the world. Remember these things and you will be the best person you can be. First look at a pencil. we know that in order for it to be a useful pencil, it is going to have to go through resharpening, time and time again. If the pencil could feel, we can imagine how painful that would be. But that is what it takes for it to be a useful pencil. Life is much the same. Painful experiences and challenges come to us all. But it is through these opportunities that we build character and we grow. Second, keep in mind, that we will be able to correct most of the mistakes we make along the way. Just like the eraser. So if we learn from our mistakes, they are not mistakes, they are lessons we can use to do better the next time around. Third, Just like a pencil, every place that you were used, you leave your mark. You are writing your own story. Fourth, always remember that the most important part of you. is what is inside of you. Like a pencil, we turn into dust. Savour every moment! IM with help from TT

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