A few years ago, I was referred to Dr. Yannuzzi for some eye issues that I had. I got to the appointment early and checked in with the security/doorman. While walking to the elevator, a gentleman walked in carrying a briefcase, lots of papers and an award. Offering to help him, at first he said no but his hands were overflowing, then he said yes. As we got to the elevator, he asked what floor I was going to and I said I was going to see Dr. Yannuzzi. He said it was him and that he had received the award the previous evening. Cool! We got to the floor and I checked in at the front desk, noticing how friendly the staff was. I was then called to see him and his staff. I was blown away.
Not only is he personable but he is brilliant. He graduated from Harvard College and the Boston University School of Medicine and a Professor of clinical opthalmology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, vice-chairman and director of the Retinal Research Center of the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital and founder and President of the Macula Foundation. He has published more than 550 scientific papers and 12 textbooks, with particular concentration in diseases of the macula such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. He is on the Board of Directors for LIghthouse International, a non profit organization that does work in vision rehabilitation services, education, research, prevention and advocacy. He is a winner, he is a champ! One of the best Doctors I've ever met and I am sure a lot of people would say the same.
Eye see the light and will continue to see it, thanks to Dr. Y.
