Did you know that for most ailments, there might be a juice cure? According to some holistic practitioners, vegetable and fruit blends can contribute to a healthier you! Below please find some delicious recipes for various ailments below. Click here for great deals on juicers.

Cold: Carrot, Pineapple, Ginger
Depression: Carrot, Apple, Spinach, Beet or Noni
Headache: Apple, Cucumber, Kale, Ginger, Celery
Diabetes: Carrot, Spinach Celery
Ulcer: Cabbage, Carrot, Celery
Asthma: Carrot, Spinach, Apple, Garlic, Lemon
High B.P.: Beet, Apple, Celery, Cucumber, Ginger
Arthritis: Carrot, Celery, Pineapple, Lemon
Kidney Detox: Carrot, Watermelon, Cucumber, Cilantro
Kidney Stone: Orange, Apple, Watermelon, Lemon
Eyes: Carrot, Celery
Stress: Banana, Strawberry, Pear
Constipation: Carrots, Apple, Fresh Cabbage
Fatigue: Carrots, Beets, Green Apple, Lemon, Mint
Hangover: Apple, Carrot, Beet, Lemon
Memory Loss: Pomegranate, Beet, Grapes
Nervousness: Carrot, Celery, Pomegranate